Why Immersion Education


Education experts believe that the critical language learning window is from birth to 10 years of age. During this period, the immersion method is an ideal way for children to acquire a new language while they are also learning to think abstractly and creatively. Research shows that the benefits of immersion education are far reaching. Among these benefits are higher academic achievement, enhanced problem solving skills and increased cultural awareness. Here, we highlight the latest research on immersion education and bilingualism.

Why, How and When Should My Child Hear a Second Language?

Kathleen Marcos, the Center for Applied Linguistics in Washington, D.C.


Why can Palo Alto grade schoolers read Mandarin better than students in AP Chinese classes?

A Stanford University study finds that elementary students in a Mandarin immersion program “attained a level of linguistic competency comparable with that of nearby high schoolers completing the 4th and 5th level Advanced Placement Mandarin courses.”


How Bilingualism Affects Children’s Beliefs

A Concordia University study finds that bilingual students are “more likely to understand that it’s what one learns, rather than what one is born with, that makes up a person’s psychological attributes.”


Bilingual Benefits: How Learning Another Language Keeps Your Mind Sharp, No Matter Your Age

According to a recent study from Northwestern University, speaking more than one language constantly exercises the brain and makes it more prepared to take on other brain-challenging tasks.
